Original story and artwork bY Kris Kotsiakos
Many long winters ago the Butterfly Gods, Zis and Kra, once blessed the earth with the suns golden favor. During this time however there was political upheaval between the human factions. The Middle Kingdom outcast and executed the White Ghost Race as retribution for their mockery of justice and greed. Disgusted by the secular worlds warring the spirits Zis and Kra flew into the heavens and became the purple moons of Zhen and Shar. They sought to remind the human race of it's vulnerability, creating numerous eclipses throughout the year and intensifying the elements within each season. The Middle Kingdom, ignoring the changes in the physical and spiritual realms, was unbent in it's mandate. Acting upon it's law, the West Court selected Winter as it's agent of death.
Now a lone surviving White Ghost faces persecution for the cruel wrongs of his ancient forefathers.
Chased by the West Court to the ends of the earth, he remains defiantly;
Sent by the ice cold Winter, a young couple, Slater and Rose are sent to track Round ... Unsure of the famed killers character Rose quietly keeps an open mind, waiting to see the man before she takes action. The ambivalent Slater has other ideas. His desire to marry Rose, which his present position in the Court disallows, wills him on. The killing of the last Ghost on earth may indeed bring him the respect and position that he needs to fulfill his dreams.
Original story and artwork bY Kris Kotsiakos
Many long winters ago the Butterfly Gods, Zis and Kra, once blessed the earth with the suns golden favor. During this time however there was political upheaval between the human factions. The Middle Kingdom outcast and executed the White Ghost Race as retribution for their mockery of justice and greed. Disgusted by the secular worlds warring the spirits Zis and Kra flew into the heavens and became the purple moons of Zhen and Shar. They sought to remind the human race of it's vulnerability, creating numerous eclipses throughout the year and intensifying the elements within each season. The Middle Kingdom, ignoring the changes in the physical and spiritual realms, was unbent in it's mandate. Acting upon it's law, the West Court selected Winter as it's agent of death.
Now a lone surviving White Ghost faces persecution for the cruel wrongs of his ancient forefathers.
Chased by the West Court to the ends of the earth, he remains defiantly;
Sent by the ice cold Winter, a young couple, Slater and Rose are sent to track Round ... Unsure of the famed killers character Rose quietly keeps an open mind, waiting to see the man before she takes action. The ambivalent Slater has other ideas. His desire to marry Rose, which his present position in the Court disallows, wills him on. The killing of the last Ghost on earth may indeed bring him the respect and position that he needs to fulfill his dreams.